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The Future of Touchless Networking
All ZCard Cards come pre-loaded with a free digital profile, contact download, and a dashboard to edit and manage. All of our fully-custom products use NFC technology to seamlessly share your data to any smartphone with just a tap.
Custom Designs
Impress your connections with a stylish card with digital printing and laser engraving.
Free Shipping
Free shipping orders over AED200 inside UAE, AED300 outside of UAE.
No Subscriptions Required
Free digital profile, contact vCard and dashboard to manage it at any time, from any where.

Trusted by

100% Sustainable
A million trees are cut down every year to print paper business cards. Every time you use one of our cards, you're helping the environment.
only AED120
Digital Business Cards
A modern & eco-friendly way to connect and make a great first impression. Get physical & digital business cards for you and your team.
from AED60
It’s so much more than a regular business card


Easily update and share your digital business cards to any device, perfect for today’s mobile and remote work environment.



Choose an eco-friendly option and make a difference for the environment. Switch to ZCard for a sustainable future.



Make a lasting impression with interactive features, and custom branding elements that will make your card unforgettable.



Tap, scan, or click. Access your cards anytime with cloud-based storage and sharing options, making networking a breeze!

100% Quality
Luxury metal business cards production, with more than 20+ years on the market.
Always up-to-date
Updating your information is easy and always having the most current version on hand will give you peace of mind.
No Restrictions
With ZCard there is no limitation in the number of times you can use the card. There are no additional fees or hidden cost.
Fast Delivery
One-day production & next day send for delivery, Once your package arrives, your digital business card works directly.